Wednesday, March 01, 2006

An Introduction

Welcome to the "last train back home" blogspot. Here you will find bits of old zines and, for the time being at least, some photography and anything else I feel like including.

As you may be able to tell from the title, I find being involved in the here and now of DIY and punk rock lives side by side with the museum curator side. (Believe me, I get more out of travelling to gigs with my friends than I do archiving bits and pieces on the internet!) You may or may not agree with whether LTBH actually encourages this, or whether it is just another symptom of needing 'internet proof' for anything to be valid anymore. But lets save that for another time...

Please send me scans of your old zines! Best if they are
a) cut'n'paste i.e. not aspiring to be your average glossy magazine.
b) from an out-of-print zine with a small circulation
c) can shed some light on underrated UK DIY bands. y'know, like ones on
d) have writing/photography with character

email fenedge4life(at)

If you would like to reprint anything on this blogspot I'd advise tracking down the original author for permission. I regard scanning and sharing zines as being quite different from re-printing other's work alongside your own and none of the scans here are quite hi-res enough to make good re-prints. If anyone would like to use any of my photos for their own publication please give me a mail at the above address. I'll probably be more than happy for you to use them.


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